Jonathan ended up chasing the sled down the hill a few times
Lanie rode with Mommy the first few times...
... then she was off and running solo =)
Jonathan LOVED the ramp and had no fear!
Ben (and a neighborhood friend) got serious air too!
Lanie found time for her snow angels (her favorite!)
She could have easily fallen asleep, I think!
Afterwards, we headed home for hot cocoa... and grilled cheese and tomato soup... and we were warm in no time! The rest of the afternoon passed with a family nap, a few Christmas movies, and now play doh time. A wonderful family Sunday!
Now the kids are getting showers and heading towards bed time... then I plan to have a hot shower and a cocoa myself... a hot cocoa with a candy cane hershey kiss melted inside as recommended by Thrifty Decor Chick (her blog is in the list on the right). YUM-O!!!!!
Great photos of a fun filled adventure, my friend! We can't wait to try it out with you sometime! :-)