Monday, June 13, 2011

I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!


I set my mind to it, and I DID IT!  It took 44.38 minutes, but I crossed the finish line  =)  I am thrilled and cannot wait for the next one =)

Great number, eh?  LOL

And we were off....

Still going!  about 2.5 miles in =)

Crossing the finish line at 44.38

YES I accept this rose  =)

This is the first thing crossed off my Life List.... It feels AWESOME!!!!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Let's Re-visit the Life List, Shall We??

This is my Life List.... because at 33 years old, I don't want to call it a bucket list!  I need to re-visit it once in a while to see how I am doing... Here it is!

  • Read for pleasure at least 3 times a week... because I LOVE to read!!!!
  • Attempt a Nickerson 365 at  2011 Nickerson 365
  • Finish cooking my way through the Pioneer Woman Cookbook (but slowly as they are NOT diet friendly foods!!!)
  • No crazy diet here or weigh loss number in pounds... but I aim to get back to working out at least 3 days a week and eating healthier to be a happier me  =)
  • Paint, build shelves, decorate, SOMETHING in my office/sewing room to make it my own
  • Participate in a 5K (even if I walk it)
  • Ride a Mechanical Bull
  • Play more WITH my kids instead of just fostering their play
  • Take the boys Canoeing
  • Donate $100 to a charity --this equates to putting aside $2 a week to donate by the new year 2012
  • Scream less and hug more
  • Find something (no matter how big or small) which financially helps my family
  • Say "No" when I need to without feeling guilty and say "Yes" even when it seems more in my comfort zone not to
So, how am I doing???

Reading has not been an issue... I definitely read AT LEAST 3 times a week, and it does wonders for my stress level. 

I am on day 138 of my 365 photo project... on day 138!  I have had to post a week's worth at once at times, but I am sticking with it and enjoying it still. 

I haven't gotten my Pioneer Woman cookbook out lately... I will browse through it today as I work on my grocery list. 

I haven't been doing so well with the diet and exercise goal, but I am hoping to do better in the sunshine! 

Do something in the Craft room... I did a HUGE purge which involved getting big pieces of furniture out even.  Shelves to come next for sure! 

Participate in a 5K... I REGISTERED TODAY!!!!  I even did my first day of training (2 miles) in the rain =)  My "I Did Beats I Will Anyday" sign is again my motivation!

This sign has hung by my porch for the last 17 months... I originally placed it there as motivation NOT to go onto that porch and smoke.  I have been a non-smoker for 17 months! IT WORKED!  Today I moved it to my front door... the door I will walk out of every morning when I head out to train for my first 5K =)

I have definitely been playing more with my kids too... though baseball takes up a lot of our time at the moment.  I am always there to cheer for them which is very important.  And we have been playing board games and such as well through the rainy-ness lately.  I am definitely a work in progress on the "Hug More Scream Less" goal as well.... but it is on my heart to do better...

Canoeing with the boys and riding a mechanical bull... These are still off in the future. 

I did rejoin Mary Kay to make a bit of extra money to help my family... and I have made $200 so far.  I have not been putting $2 a week aside towards my charity donation goal, so I am $40 behind at this moment.... Oops!!!

Last but certainly not least.... saying "yes" and "no" more appropriately... doing what is right for my family and I without worrying all the time about how it will affect everyone else.  This is a daily work in progress... with successes and failures for sure.  I am working on it though!

SO, all in all, not too bad!  I am making strides in some area anyway, and I am proud of myself =)

Now -- off to have a dance party with my Lanie xoxo

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Chaos and the Peace

There is definitely a fine line between chaos and peace these days.  With all the running between 2 baseball teams, ballet, school functions, errands, story time...and all the housework, laundry, cooking... and friends and family obligations... It can be difficult to carve out even a few moments of quiet and stillness that is becoming more and more necessary as I get older.  My patience wears a bit easier these days... my motivation falls a bit quicker... my to-do list takes a little longer to cross off.

On the other hand, I love being there though for everything!  I don't want to miss a game or a lesson or a practice... or a photo op! LOL  So I bring it on myself, and I don't accept help... I want to be Super Mom but I want to have "Sit on my ass time" as well. 

So, I rejoice in the tiny moments that make my heart smile quietly and count down the minutes to the louder moments that make me proud to be a busy wife and Mommy.

My babies and I on Mother's Day
I love my little man in uniform!
Family game night fun =)

Lanie's little hands planting the roma tomatoes.  I love that my little girl will play in the dirt with Mommy =)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It is FINALLY that time!!!!

The time has come!  The time where I get to step by step you through my gardening... as I FINALLY got to put something into the ground!  YAY!

Today I got one of my veggie plots planted, and some pots of veggies too.  Starting herbs inside soon... SO STOKED!

So what green you see in the pictures are perennials coming up again from previous years, and the veggie sprouts will be soon to follow indeed (because I am a geek like that!)

I don't know what this is, but it is obviously a perennial I planted last year... LOL  Any idea??

The start of one of my tulips YAY

Some kind of ground cover also appearing on it's own.  It is in about 5 different clumps in this garden

One pot of spinach

1 pot of spinach and 3 pots of leaf lettuce blends (red and green)

My Lillies!  They come back for me every year even though I give them ZERO love =)

My first planted plot... Cannot wait to see my little sprouts!

Dabra helps me photograph today's work

More pots for starting the herbs inside next week

BOY do I need to get those perennial gardens de-leafed LOL 

I cannot WAIT to get to chatting about and sharing pics of all the lovely crops with all of you!  I LOVE a good garden pic and conversation!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lent 2011

For Lent I am going to stop screaming "at" my kids. If something is about to hurt them... fine... but I need to speak TO them instead of scream AT them. The last few months have been especially stressful. While we don't bog them down with all that worry, they have definitely felt the effects in other ways... like my short as heck temper with them. So here goes! It will be tough... but I am giving up screaming!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March, huh?????

So... we are into our 3rd month of 2011 now, and I am revisiting my goals for myself....

  • Read for pleasure at least 3 times a week.... this one has been easy to stick to.  I have so many great books in line right now =)
  • The Nickerson 365... I am on day 60 and going strong! (
  • Finish cooking my way through the PW cookbook.... I am adding at least 2 recipes to my meal plan and grocery list for this month.
  • Work out and Diet... this has been ROUGH!  I worked out this morning and I am TRYING to make March count!
  • Some type of building or decorating in the office/sewing room... I have purged and de-cluttered it so far
  • Participate in a 5K (run or walk)... Walking for the March of Dimes May 1st, but not sure how long the walk is... possibly doing a 5K walk on May 8th if Mom is in!
  • Mechanical Bull.... not yet =)
  • Play more WITH my kids... this I have been doing well with.  Board games mostly thus far... cant wait for spring!!!!
  • Take the boys canoeing... not until summer =)
  • Donate $100 to a charity before the end of the year... I am behind on this.  My $8 a month goal is $16 in the hole.  I will try to catch up this month 
  • Scream less and hug more... I need to do better
  • Find something to financially help my family... I am back into Mary Kay, and I got my first order today!!!!!!!!  Hoping to make a good go of it!
  • Say "no" when I need to and "yes" when it is out of my comfort zone..... I havent been filling my plate as much... and I did go out twice when asked even though it would have been more comfortable to stay home with my family... and I had FUN!
So, I am not doing terrible, but there is definitely room for improvement.

I am also trying to make more time for me to sit with God.  I feel Him working in my life so much lately... and need to take the time to say Thanks.

Happy March.... I feel it is going to be a great month!!!!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Growning Pains..... for me!

Today I scheduled Lanie's Preschool assessment for placement into the 2011-12 school year... and while it is a month away (and the first day of school isn't until mid-August), I am shaken by the thought of it!

She is totally ready... beyond ready, in fact.  But it will change my whole identity!  I can't be a SAHM if no one is there to mother... so I will go back to work.  WHAT??  The money is much needed, and I look forward to helping my family in that way for sure... I look forward to the adult interaction... I only hope I am able to find a job that still allows me my "full-time job"... that of wife and mother.  I cannot lose touch with my family... that s  my biggest fear!

Being home with my babies is the hardest job with the worst pay ----- and the best most rewarding benefits of any job I could ever have  =)

So I do not tremble for letting my baby girl go (though a few tears will be shed... that I know!).... I do not fear her abilities, strength, or courage... 

It is all about me, Damn it!  I know how to be a mom and wife..... I don't know how to be anything else!