Thursday, December 16, 2010

Because family really does matter......

I have had journals....

I have had blogs....

I have had all the greatest of intentions to write out my feelings with humor and wit, make a difference to someone else, be a favorite blog to millions..... get real though, Kris!  I am not a comedian... I am not someone with all the answers... I am not a celebrity... I am no one of great importance to most...

I am a mama though.  I am a mama who wakes up everyday grateful for that day.  I am a mama who has the best of intentions every day... a long to-do list everyday... and a desire to love my family totally and completely everyday to the best of my ability and then some.  Sometimes I get grumpy.  Sometimes the to do list has a lot less check marks than other days.   Sometime my best doesn't seem like quite enough.

But everyday I wake up grateful for another chance... because I am a mama... a mama making it work the best way I know how...

... and I think I am doing a great job!!!!!

So... I probably won't write here everyday.  There may be posts of wordless photos... or posts of only very few words.  But it will all be me!  What's for dinner, what's on the schedule for the family, what is bugging me today, or what do I have to brag about??  

Welcome to my blog!  Welcome to my mind!  Please allow me to introduce you to my heart <3

1 comment:

  1. You rock. You are fun to be around. I also know that you try your best everyday. Thats all you can do. Acceptance is the key to secenerity. You can only do What you can do. Some days are better than others. Some days you are superhuman. Some days you suck. We all feel that way. As long as you know, in your heart of hearts, you tried your best.
