Friday, December 31, 2010

In with the new..... or Try harder anyway... =)

December 31, 2010 --- such introspect occurs on this date each year (along with a lot of alcohol consumption as well!  LOL)  and while I am not drinking (yet?? ), I am thinking back on 2010 and towards 2011... I have a lot of thoughts about where I want to be a year from tonight and a lot of ideas of how to get there.  So, I am recording a few goals, aspirations, projects, etc for 2011 to merely have a record of them... something to look back on next Dec. 31st.

I need to continue the family time and activity we have focused on these last 6 weeks... and put myself first once in a while, as well...... WOW!  I reworded that sentence 3 times even... that is NOT an easy one at all!!  LOL  

THIS IS NOT A CONTRACT!  That is my first resolution in motion.  I do not have to do everything!  Things change and I need to be flexible in my mind as well to allow for that!  So, If I don't get to something this year, then it didn't fit into my life and that is ok.... there will be other lists!!!  I am a "check things off" kinda girl though... so a list cant be left unwritten  =)
  • Read for pleasure at least 3 times a week... because I LOVE to read!!!!
  • Attempt a Nickerson 365 at  2011 Nickerson 365
  • Finish cooking my way through the Pioneer Woman Cookbook (but slowly as they are NOT diet friendly foods!!!)
  • No crazy diet here or weigh loss number in pounds... but I aim to get back to working out at least 3 days a week and eating healthier to be a happier me  =)
  • Paint, build shelves, decorate, SOMETHING in my office/sewing room to make it my own
  • Participate in a 5K (even if I walk it)
  • Ride a Mechanical Bull
  • Play more WITH my kids instead of just fostering their play
  • Take the boys Canoeing
  • Donate $100 to a charity --this equates to putting aside $2 a week to donate by the new year 2012
  • Scream less and hug more
  • Find something (no matter how big or small) which financially helps my family
  • Say "No" when I need to without feeling guilty and say "Yes" even when it seems more in my comfort zone not to
OK... hmmm.... That is quite a list, eh?  A list of goals... not "have to do's"... that is the hard part!!

And a final TOTALLY unrelated last word.... Lanie got the hang of her big girl bike today... we are SO PROUD!!!  Hoping we can put some weight on her by spring too as she needs a bit more weight behind those pedals!  LOL

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

But it does hurt a little......

I was filling out my 2011 calendar last night... birthdays, school holidays, a few doctor appointments and such... and thinking about goals and resolutions for myself in the new year.  I have really focused this holiday season on my family.  I have tried to live by the motto "It's not the stuff, it's the memories" and we have made LOTS of memories and new family traditions in the process.  I have been much less stressed, and so has hubby.  It has been great to spend quality time working and playing with my kids......... but only my kids.....

I realized how different things were from a year ago.  A year ago we were SUPER STRESSED!  Jim had been without work for nearly 3 months, and we were struggling.  We had so many people around us though to give us the strength and encouragement to get through it all.  Jim is working now, though still temporary, and we are making it back up a bit at a time... but on our own... and that does hurt a little.

A year can bring about a lot of changes.  People get new jobs and new responsibilities... start back to school... and get involved with the activities of their kids.  They find new hobbies... new friends... and if you aren't moving right along with them, you get left behind.  I don't think I am moving fast enough!

So, I go into 2011 with a renewed sense of family, a better understanding of how to be the kind of wife and mother I want to be, a financial plan that is doable right now, a fitness plan to make me healthier, and a realistic view of my social standing -- which is ranking right above hermit at this point!  LOL

I am not hurt that people are moving on with and moving up in their own lives... I am just finally realizing it happened... and that I missed it!

Things can change in the blink of an eye and I will pray for all of my blinks daily for getting me this far.

“Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same.”



Sunday, December 26, 2010

--- Christmas in Photos ---

Jonathan opens his stocking on his nebulizer

Ben checks out his stocking

Ready to go!!!

Dan and Dad were such good sports with their Christmas shirts!

My mama and me  xoxo

Jon loves all his Trio stuff

Daddy watches on

Aunt Cathy loved the gifts the kids chose for her =)

"It's not just any old doll, Daddy... Its my American Doll!"

Santa surprised Ben with a new DS Lite

And he was thrilled to unwrap the hat he BEGGED for!

Beautiful banks from Grandpa Nick and Grandma Barbara

Goofy Grandpa LOL

Sparkly Sisters!!!

I was so touched to find they had all chipped in on the IPod I wanted =)

And Jim is back in touch with his new phone =)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Today was for sledding!!!!

Today was our first sledding adventure of the season... and it was great!  It was about 24 degrees I think, so it wasn't bitter cold.  We made it a little over an hour and the kids could have stayed longer... Mom has no snow pants like them, though, so my bottom was wet and COLD!  I know... party pooper!

 Jonathan ended up chasing the sled down the hill a few times

 Lanie rode with Mommy the first few times...

... then she was off and running solo   =)

Jonathan LOVED the ramp and had no fear!

Ben (and a neighborhood friend) got serious air too!

Lanie found time for her snow angels (her favorite!)

She could have easily fallen asleep, I think!

Afterwards, we headed home for hot cocoa... and grilled cheese and tomato soup... and we were warm in no time!  The rest of the afternoon passed with a family nap, a few Christmas movies, and now play doh time.  A wonderful family Sunday!

Now the kids are getting showers and heading towards bed time... then I plan to have a hot shower and a cocoa myself... a hot cocoa with a candy cane hershey kiss melted inside as recommended by Thrifty Decor Chick (her blog is in the list on the right).  YUM-O!!!!!

Friday, December 17, 2010


The boys are out of school for Christmas break now, and they are SO excited about it.  It has been a low-key evening though anyway as Lanie isn't feeling well.  So the boys are watching a show cuddled in mom and dad's bed while Lanie cuddles with Daddy on the couch by the wood stove.  

"I am going to marry you because you are my favorite Daddy" she says as she pets his beard (her favorite!)... 
such comfort in Daddy's arms for sure  =)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Because family really does matter......

I have had journals....

I have had blogs....

I have had all the greatest of intentions to write out my feelings with humor and wit, make a difference to someone else, be a favorite blog to millions..... get real though, Kris!  I am not a comedian... I am not someone with all the answers... I am not a celebrity... I am no one of great importance to most...

I am a mama though.  I am a mama who wakes up everyday grateful for that day.  I am a mama who has the best of intentions every day... a long to-do list everyday... and a desire to love my family totally and completely everyday to the best of my ability and then some.  Sometimes I get grumpy.  Sometimes the to do list has a lot less check marks than other days.   Sometime my best doesn't seem like quite enough.

But everyday I wake up grateful for another chance... because I am a mama... a mama making it work the best way I know how...

... and I think I am doing a great job!!!!!

So... I probably won't write here everyday.  There may be posts of wordless photos... or posts of only very few words.  But it will all be me!  What's for dinner, what's on the schedule for the family, what is bugging me today, or what do I have to brag about??  

Welcome to my blog!  Welcome to my mind!  Please allow me to introduce you to my heart <3