Saturday, January 29, 2011

We are all quitters!

One year ago today, I hung this magazine cut out onto the craft cupboard next to my porch door, had my last cigarette, and never looked back!  After a year, I am a successful quitter and my sign can move into the memory box =)

Not only did I quit, but my mom..... my dad... and my hubby did too!  It was finally time and we did it together... WE DID IT!!!!!

So proud of us xoxo

Friday, January 21, 2011

Getting back to it....

My doctor appointment on Tuesday (1/18/2011) was quite an eye opening experience... I added 4 meds and 2 diagnoses to my medical chart... lots of allergy precautions... Aye! Aye! Aye!

It has been a rough couple of days -- adjusting to the new meds has meant headaches and an overly tired Kristen... this does NOT make for a productive Kristen, let me tell you, and my house is looking worse for the ware.

So today was the day... and who cares if it was noon before I got started.  I took a hot shower complete with the shaving of the legs (You ladies know how big a deal this is!)... and got all lotioned and potioned even though I was putting on my sweats... I smell GREAT and that so helps the attitude =)

So I got up and got to work!

Got the sidewalk shoveled and salted, tackled the dishes in the kitchen sink and prepared for a de-cluttering session I could be proud of... starting with the kid's bedrooms  =)

Got the kid's bedrooms picked up and vacuumed/swept... we had lunch... and the kitchen got cleaned up again. 

Next up was folding and putting away a few loads of clean laundry from yesterday.  I also got one load moved into the dryer and our weekly load of whites into the washer.  I had a phone conversation with mom and then a couple of friends.... and started our 2010 tax forms...

It has been a MUCH better day today!  The headache subsided earlier today which is a blessing as I was about to give up on the medicine all together!

I plan to clean the bathroom yet this afternoon, mop the kitchen floor, and cook dinner (spaghetti and meatballs, garlic bread, and salad -- YUM!) 

I also plan to RELAX this evening!  I am wanting to finish my current book The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time which I am really enjoying (though I wasn't sure I would, to be honest!) 

I will, also, need to take my med again this evening which will probably mean an early bedtime again..... which is ok with a productive day like I have had today  =)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

While visions of veggie gardens danced in my head.....

So he did it.... Jim brought home a magazine that contains all veggies, herbs, etc... when to start them, soil prep, space and sunlight required, etc... So of course, I have been pouring over it for the last hour  =)

Now I have new blogs bookmarked to follow, plans for a garden layout, and thoughts of starting them soon!  LOL

I am a geek... I admit it!  And last year totally has my thumbs wanting to be green....

This would be like a DREAM!!!!  I dont have near enough space for a garden like this, though... mine will be lots of large clay pots that contain plants.... and a few raised beds... more than my 6' by 2' bed I had last year though... I CANNOT WAIT!!!

So thinking green and happy to take any tips, tricks, advice... or a recommendation of a blog I can't go without following!!!